Catálogo Previews X-O MANOWAR #1 (1992) FACSIMILE ED
(CA) Bob Layton
The debut issue of 1992's X-O MANOWAR by comic book legends Jim Shooter, Steve Englehart and Barry Windsor-Smith is reprinted in full in this special facsimile edition from the Valiant age of comics!
Aboard a Spider Alien starship, Aric, a Visigoth prisoner, steals the Manowar Class X-O armor and returns to Earth. Upon his arrival home, Aric is shocked to find that 1600 years have passed! Forced to cope in an age not his own, Aric and his new friend Ken Clarkson try to figure out his place in the world. But just because Aric escaped from his shackles doesn't mean that he's free as the aliens have targeted him and look to reclaim the armor!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/03/2025
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