(W) Jean-Marc Jancovici, Christophe Blain (A) Christophe Blain
In this intelligent, eye-opening, and witty international bestseller, an eminent climate expert takes a graphic novelist on a journey to understand the profound changes that our planet is experiencing. The scientist, Jean-Marc Jancovici, explains the workings of superpowers and history; oil and climate; ecology, economics, and energy flows. He describes, in short, the world we live in today-a world whose future is deeply uncertain. The artist, Christophe Blain, intently listens and draws. As the pair come face to face with global warming, they-along with Mother Nature and a cast of others-create a picture of what the solution to our predicament actually looks like. It's not just about switching to renewable energy sources. It's about rethinking everything: our energy supply, our economies, and our whole world.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/03/2025
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