Catálogo Previews WITCH OF MINE VOL 1-4 BOX SET
(W) Haeyoon (A) MAS (CA) MAS
: In these times, if you're too good at something or simply too beautiful, you're called a witch. But there also exist magical beings called witches, who have the power to travel through both time and different dimensions, and sometimes do in the pursuit of love with human beings.
Witch of Mine follows several interconnected stories of "sisters" and familiars within a collective of witches as they interact with the human world, experiencing life's joys and pains. They discover love, rejection, mortality, and hope...sometimes transcending worlds in pursuit of their desires.
Collecting all 4 print volumes of the series at a special price, this Box Set offers a beautiful and bittersweet sampling of manhwa storytelling.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 28/05/2025
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