Catálogo Previews WARRIOR NUN DORA TP VOL 01 (NOV201091)
(W) Pat Shand (A) Daniel Gete (CA) Daniel Gete
Warrior Nun, now a Netflix original series, re-launches for readers of all kinds with a new Nun and new attitude! The Satanic Panic of the 80s has fallen away to a new wave of rebellious kids in rural Pennsylvania in the 1990s. Dora, a grunge-obsessed teen, is caught in the middle of what appears to be a dark ritual, and is sent away to a secret school by her devoutly religious parents. There, Dora is shocked to find a group of nuns that fight against the forces of evil - but when undead horror comes Dora's way, what will this misfit do to protect herself? Have faith in Warrior Nun! This volume has the complete first Dora story.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/02/2025
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