Catálogo Previews VS LOVE GN VOL 01 (MR)
(W) Chise Ogawa
Two schools alike in dignity, in fair Japan where we set our scene. Fuun High and Raiden High are two rival schools locked in an intense turf war, led by their top students, Ibuki Marin and Tsuzumi Nikoru. But one day, away from the rivalry and fighting, the two gang leaders meet. Unaware they're enemies, a love begins to blossom between them. Though they're destined to be enemies, will these star-crossed lovers come together... or is this story destined to be a tragedy? A BL take onRomeo and Julietset against the backdrop of a colorful cast of delinquents and their youthful struggles!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 02/04/2025
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