Catálogo Previews SPAWN VIOLATOR TP (MR)
(W) Alan Moore (A) Bart Sears, Greg Capullo (CA) Bart Sears, Mark Pennington
ALAN MOORE’S VIOLATOR IS HERE! The long-awaited reprinting of the 1994 three-issue miniseries is now in trade paperback!
Violator's siblings, Vacillator, Vindicator, Vandalizer, and Vaporizer, along with ruthless mobsters, hire assassin Admonisher to kill Violator. Stripped of his powers, Violator must defend himself against attacks from his brothers and Admonisher. In a twist of fate, an unexpected team-up with none other than SPAWN to help Violator along the way.
Collects VIOLATOR #1-3
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/03/2025
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