(W) Dan Abnett (A) Pasquale Qualano (CA) Sozomaika
Vampirella and her trusty sidekick Dyna Might have become superheroes, and are assigned to save a world that looks strangely similar to 1940s Earth - rife with crime, corruption, and two-fisted superheroes who don't take kindly to meddling from interdimensional vampire aliens! Can Vampirella survive an onslaught of conflict from villains and heroes alike, all while solving a murder mystery and keeping her precocious sidekick alive? Find out in this full-throttle throwback action adventure, courtesy of superstar writer DAN ABNETT (Avengers, Warhammer) and red-hot artist PASQUALE QUALANO (DC Vs. Vampires)! Collects issues #1-5.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/02/2025
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