(W) Declan Shalvey (A) Drew Moss (CA) Lucio Parrillo
With Lion-0 and the Eye of Thundera both missing, the ThunderCats are at their most vulnerable making it the perfect time for Mumm-Ra and his evil horde to attack!
But help is about to arrive from an unexpected direction when Calica reappears at the Cat's Lair to return the Eye and she hasn't come alone!
The five-star creative team of DECLAN SHALVEY and DREW MOSS ramp up the action in ThunderCats #14 spurred on by percussive covers from MOSS, SHALVEY, LUCIO PARRILLO, JAE LEE & JUNE CHUNG, FELIPE MASSAFERA, and MANIX!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/03/2025
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