Catálogo Previews THE THING #1 (OF 5)
(W) Tony Fleecs (A) Leonard Kirk (CA) Nick Bradshaw
Ben Grimm may be the strongest member of the Fantastic Four, but once upon a time, he was just a scrawny kid from Yancy Street. When an unexpected visitor from his past sends him on a search for a missing child, the Thing must unravel the mystery even if that means becoming a wanted man! Get ready to see the Ever-Lovin' Blue-Eyed Thing versus every super-powered criminal and bounty hunter in New York City! Writer Tony Fleecs (Stray Dogs) and artist Leonard Kirk (STAR WARS: THE BATTLE OF JAKKU) give a glimpse into the history of the Thing that reminds you why Ben Grimm is the heart of the Marvel Universe...and why you don't want to let him hear you say that!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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