(W) Will Murray (A) Na (CA) Joe DeVito
The Spider! A relentless vigilante feared by both sides of the law. James Christopher. The Intelligence Service agent code-named Operator 5. Justice could not have two more capable allies. What happens when a dire threat to the United States of America forces them to work together? Can this oil-and-water duo put aside their differences long enough to investigate an enemy plot to crush the nation? And can either man stand up to the colossal brute known as the Hangman, an accomplished assassin possessing weapons of unimaginable cruelty? When this Hangman from Hell arrives in America to kill Operator 5, the Spider swings into furious action to save the young undercover man. But will the Hangman slice him to ribbons for standing in his way?
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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