(W) Declan Shalvey (A) Lorenzo Re (CA) David Cousens
As the first generation of human-mimicking Infiltrators deployed by Skynet against the Resistance, the T-600s displayed all of the problems that come from rushing a prototype into production. Covered in unconvincing rubber skin and lacking any organic components, they were easily detected and destroyed.
But if there's one thing that Skynet is good at, it's learning from its mistakes. And as the historic tales in this pivotal issue demonstrate, every T-600's mission - no matter the outcome - brought the lethal T-800s one step closer to activation!
Relentless story engineers DECLAN SHALVEY and LORENZO RE repeatedly test their titanium-framed titans to failure in The Terminator #6 - all encased in Coltan-alloy covers by SHALVEY, EDWIN GALMON, CAT STAGGS, and DAVID COUSENS!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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