Catálogo Previews TEEN EXORCIST GN VOL 02
(W) Mitsuru Yuki (A) Shikiji Sorakura (CA) Shikiji Sorakura
"A mighty foreign spirit on the shores of Japan?! It's the trainee's turn to protect the palace!
The grandson of exorcist-extraordinaire Abe no Seimei, 13-year-old Mashiro, is hard at work training so that his grandfather's name won't come first in his own introduction anymore. But to accomplish that, he will first have to learn how to fight alongside Mokkun, his sassy spirit familiar-not a simple task for a trainee exorcist, considering that Mokkun is actually Guren, the first commander of the Twelve Divine Generals! And honor and respect are not the only things on the line for Mashiro, because a dangerous spirit from the far west is stalking the streets of the capital..."
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 23/04/2025
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