(W) Various (A) Various (CA) Clint Langley
TechnoFreak Apocrypha#1 continues the adventures of Jon Sherlok in the dystopian London of the 31st century. The last of the Technofreaks, Jon is part man, part machine, and is arguably the smartest man on the planet, and quite possibly the drunkest too. Meet Maurice, Jon's sarcastic robot cat, and Loretta, the love of his life, as well as Neville Brady, a one-man wrecking crew, and Greta Krauss, Neville's no-nonsense German sweetheart. It's an action-packed roller-coaster ride as Jon rights wrongs, fights foes, and saves damsels in distress, but mostly hangs out in pubs, living his best life.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 21/05/2025
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