(W) Margaret Stohl, Jeanine Schaefer, Judith Stephens
What does a hero's journey look like when the hero in question happens to be a girl? Marvel creator Margaret Stohl along with Judith Stephens, producer and cocreator of the Women of Marvel podcast, interviewed more than 120 women and nonbinary Marvel contributors in search of the answer to that question. With one shared goal-to make the historically invisible work of women visible-and with unprecedented access to Marvel creators, writers, actors, and more, Stohl and Stephens set out to tell the story of the women of the "House of Ideas" from 1939 through today, and along the way, to find the meaning of their own Marvel stories. Packed with biographies and illustrations of creators, graphical reprints and excerpts of historic Marvel comics,Super Visible: The Story of the Women of Marvelis an essential read for fans of all ages.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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