(W) Christopher Cantwell (A) Angel Unzueta (CA) Angel Unzueta
Nymira Vondect is back from the dead, having survived the cataclysmic explosion on Starbase 99 with help from the universe's seediest rogue, Berlinghoff Rasmussen. Now she and Berlinghoff are running elaborate scams together to take advantage of unsuspecting Berbians and make a quick buck. But something niggles at Nymira... Should she tell her old crew she's still alive or keep living the life she thinks she deserves? Meanwhile, Captain B'Elanna Torres, Ro, and O'Brien combine forces with Section 31's Captain Frears to take out the minefield in the Gamma Quadrant once and for all.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/03/2025
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