(W) Ian Flynn, Evan Stanley (A) Thomas Rothlisberger, Tracy Yardley, Aaron Hammerstrom
The Deadly Six are back for revenge, and their first targets are Sonic's friends in the Restoration! Zavok, leader of the Deadly Six, is angrier than ever and wants to reunite his minions. Jewel has called on Sonic, Tails, and the Chaotix for help, but will they be able to stop the Zeti before they launch an all-out assault on Restoration HQ? Sonic's going to have to move quickly to stop all the mayhem. Then, it's time for a road trip! Sonic's friends hit the pavement for some much-needed R&R after months of constant excitement. Amy, Jewel, Tangle, and Belle are heading off on a well-deserved camping trip. Between Dr. Eggman, Dr. Starline, and the Deadly Six, life has been stressful, so they're hoping to get a little peace. Collects issues #41-50 from volumes 11 and 12 (Zeti Hunt!andTrial by Fire) and theImposterSyndromeminiseries.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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