Catálogo Previews SIB SQUAD GN VOL 01
(W) Steve Breen (A) Steve Breen
The youngest of seven siblings, Lucy, Bruce, and Oliver are sick and tired of being told that they are too little to do the things their older siblings do. In a bout of bored frustration, they band together to form Sib Squad-a club of their own dedicated to having "amazing, mind-blowing adventures." And adventures they have! In this first book in the series, the Sib Squad launches the club at their tree house headquarters, then find themselves drawn into multiple adventures that include wishes at a wishing well gone wrong and an unlikely encounter with a younger sibling from outer space. As young readers delve into the trio's hijinks, they will find themselves struck with uncontrollable giggles and an unquenchable desire to seek adventures of their own.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 02/04/2025
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