Catálogo Previews RED SONJA AGE OF CHAOS TP (DEC200942)
(W) Erik Burnham (A) Jonathan Lau (CA) Lucio Parrillo
The past meets the present with the future of literally everything at stake! The warrior Red Sonja has a plan to keep freshly killed wizard Kulan Gath from resurrecting himself again - but when the plan backfires, it allows a whole new kind of Chaos! to infest the Hyborean Age! Will these new beings be any easier to deal with than Kulan Gath, or has Sonja called a worse evil to her world? It's the first chapter of a brand-new quest for the She-Devil - and it may be her hardest yet as for the first time ever, Red Sonja meets the badass characters of Chaos!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/02/2025
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