Catálogo Previews RE MONSTER GN VOL 10 (MR)
(W) Kanekiru Kogitsune (A) Kobayakawa Haruyoshi (CA) Kobayakawa Haruyoshi
Tomokui Kanata has suffered an untimely death, but his adventures are far from over. He is reborn into a fantastical world of monsters and magic-as a lowly goblin! But Kanata, or Gob-Rou as he is now named, is not about to let that stop him. With a combination of memories from his old life, a brand new body, and a monstrous appetite, Gob-Rou thrives in this new world where he must devour other creatures to gain their powers. It takes strength, smarts, and a strong stomach to survive in this action-packed fantasy!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 02/04/2025
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