(W) Stephanie Cooke (A) Whitney Gardner
The Bins siblings have their sights set on the big pet expo in the heart of downtown Toronto. Dusty, Scraps, and ReRe expect to loot the convention for the latest treats, and they definitely don't expect to meet... Dusty's doppelganger?! Prince the Raccoon is everything Dusty isn't-famous, pampered, and rich! But Prince wants to know what life is like outside his comfy digs and on the streets. So, with the Bins' help, Dusty and Prince decide to switch places. At first, Dusty has a great time living it up, but he soon learns the grass isn't always greener on the other side... even when that side has all the snacks he can eat!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 29/01/2025
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