Catálogo Previews PUNK ROCK IN COMICS HC
(W) Nicolas Finet, Thierry Lamy (A) Various
Here is the can't-miss overview of the punk rock scene from its early inception in the seventies in New York and the UK. Includes chapters on The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, and more. Punk was also the flex point for women in rock like Siouxsie and the Banshees, Blondie, The Runaways, Patti Smith and The Slits that paved the way for the Riot Grrrl movement. Flashing the finger against the slick corporate rock of the '70s, punk was faster, messier, and louder than anything before it. Covered here with the same raw energy, look, and attitude as the music itself!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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