(A) Pujolar, Pablo Marcos, Ferran Sostres, Serg Moren, Ramon Torrents, Dennis Fujitake
Skywald'sNightmarecontinues with issue #7, dated June 1972. A black-and-white comic magazine absolutely packed full of horror and suspense! And featuring a fantastic cover by Pujolar plus the combined talents of Pablo Marcos, Ferran Sostres, Armador, Serg Moren, Don Brown, Francisco Cueto, Dennis Fujitake and Ramon Torrents. And all reproduced here completely like the original comic magazine, it's hard to understand how you ever gonna wake up from this nightmare? But you have to, because if you hang around too long... these horror's will be gone by sunrise!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 06/08/2025
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