(W) Kim Bussing
Fairy tales meetFreakyFriday, where there's a magical mix-up for every princess! As a baby, Rose was cursed to meet a mysterious fate on her thirteenth birthday, but no one bothered to tell Rose that until now... a week before she turns thirteen. And a week's not nearly enough time to figure out what to do when she's suddenly whisked from her Dreamwood cottage to a strange palace-trapped with an evil queen who hands her an apple... Princess Snow is preparing for the ceremony that will prove she's fit to rule her kingdom. The problem? Her wicked stepmother. The other problem? Without warning, she finds herself in the middle of the Dreamwood, where, on top of all her other problems, she has to worry about... a sleeping curse. Happily-ever-after couldn't feel farther away. Can Rose escape the curse that's followed her since birth? And can Snow save her kingdom from her stepmother?
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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