Catálogo Previews PLUTO ROCKET GN
(W) Paul Gilligan (A) Paul Gilligan
Joe Pidge, king of the neighborhood, and Pluto Rocket, an alien who's new in town, have left the safety of Joe's neighborhood to discover other places on Earth for Pluto's secret mission-to explore the planet and prove that Earthlings are nice. But Joe is way out of his comfort zone! What starts as a casual walk into a new town turns into a high-speed chase as Joe is convinced the duo is being pursued by a wolf (it's really a poodle). Later, Pluto's habit of helping people leads to the two being celebrated as heroes! But when their publicity makes its way back to Pluto's home planet, Joe and Pluto have to find a way to escape to the moon... and fast!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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