(W) Mei Hachimoku (CA) Kukka
It's smooth sailing for Sakuma and friends after the autumn culture festival, and Ushio is fast reclaiming her popularity at school. Just when it seems like the worst is finally behind them, Ushio's old rival barges in with a challenge: defeat him in a race, or rejoin the boys' track-and-field team. It's an outlandish request, yet-despite being out of practice and at a severe disadvantage-Ushio accepts. Meanwhile, tension is brewing between two of the school's biggest troublemakers, with Arisa Nishizono on the brink of a violent blowup after repeated provocations from Itsuku Sera. Sparks fly as the youths' resolve is put to the test... When the dust settles, who will be victorious?
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/02/2025
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