Catálogo Previews MANHOLE GN VOL 03 (OF 3)
(W) Tetsuya Tsutsui (A) Tetsuya Tsutsui (CA) Tetsuya Tsutsui
The mastermind responsible for the filariasis epidemic is finally unmasked. Behind the Machiavellian plot is a wounded and resentful man, who believes society excuses abhorrent behavior and is too lenient on latent criminals. Intent on revenge and wanting more severe repercussions on lawbreakers, he began experimenting on society lowlifes, set on making his worm common the country over. Now he's ready for the next step in his plan, but when Investigator Mizoguchi succumbs to his own infection, who is left that can thwart the mastermind? The exhilarating conclusion to Tetsuya Tsutsui's biological thriller!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 02/04/2025
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