(W) Emanuela Milleri (A) Emanuela Milleri (CA) Emanuela Milleri
Luna and a Special Night is a celebration of art and imagination exploring how the love of art can be passed from generation to generation. The story follows Luna during three different phases of her life: as a child, a young woman, and then a grandmother. As a young woman, Luna and her older sister Jeanne are vacationing in Nice in the 1930s. They hear beautiful violin music, which inspires them to go to the beach and paint together. Luna doesn't realize that the musician is an artist she met as a child. Flashing back about 20 years, the sisters are together at a museum. While her sister takes part in a fine arts lesson, the five-year-old Luna sits next to an artist, Stéphane, who is drawing a picture of the "Night". He hands her another notebook so that she can also draw the beautiful statue. Luna and Stéphane have a vision of her drawing magically coming to life. This forever changes the trajectory of the artist's career
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 08/01/2025
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