
Catálogo Previews JUMPSCARE #2


(W) Cullen Bunn (A) Danny Luckert (CA) Danny Luckert

Horror fan turned vigilante Jumpscare can conjure any gore-soaked weapon from any gore-soaked movie she's watched. Using this power, she's become a force for good in Empire City... and the world's most popular superhero! Even with all her powers, though, she may not be able to save her estranged sister from the clutches of mobster turned monster-Grindhouse! Especially with a band of eldritch zealots called the Dismal Concordat standing in her way!

Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 09/04/2025

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9 rue dante
75005 PARIS
01 40 51 80 62

6 rue dante
75005 PARIS
09 50 49 93 54

3 rue dante
75005 PARIS
09 54 14 82 35

56 rue du loup
09 86 29 42 31
Sobre Pulps.fr