(W) Andrew Helfer (A) Carlos Ezquerra (CA) Carlos Ezquerra
"I am the Law!" When Mega-City One erupts in violent block wars, there's only one man Justice Department can rely on to suffocate the flames of rebellion. His name is Judge Dredd. But when the city's brightest beacon of justice is convicted of breaking the very law he's been entrusted to uphold, he's sentenced to spend the rest of his life rotting in the Aspen Penal Colony. In order to clear his name, Dredd must escape captivity, make his way across the toxic Cursed Earth, break back into the city, and find the familiar foe that framed him. All in a day's work for Judge Dredd. Featuring art by legendaryJudgeDreddco-creator Carlos Ezquerra and a script by Andrew Helfer, this is the official adaptation ofJudgeDredd, the 1995 movie written by William Wisher, Jr. and Steven E. de Souza.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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