Catálogo Previews JUDGE DREDD MEGAZINE #478 (MR)
(W) Ian Edington, Dan Abnett, Alex Kot, T.C. Eglington, Ken Niemand (A) Paul McCaffrey, Phil Winslade, Boo Cook, P. J. Holden, Anna Readman (CA) Stewart K Moore
More action and adventure in the future-shocked world of Judge Dredd! Dredd must pass down his judgement on the A.I. entity in "Messiah Complex" by Ian Edginton & Paul McCaffrey; plus there's more thrills and spills inLawlessby Dan Abnett & Phil Winslade, andDeath Cap: Frontier Justiceby T.C. Eglington & Boo Cook; whileDevlinWaugh: "Two Months Off" by Ales Kot & PJ Holden and Fargo & McBane: "New York's Finest" by Ken Niemand & Anna Readman both come to their action-packed climaxes. Plus features, interviews and lots more!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 23/04/2025
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