Catálogo Previews JIM HENSON PRESENTS #3 (OF 4) CVR B KIM
(W) Seanan McGuire, Shobo, Kyla Vanderklugt, Aabria Iyengar (A) Countandra, Vv Glass, Kyla Vanderklugt, Jared Cullum (CA) Derek Kirk Kim
Writer Seanan McGuirre and artist Countandra continue the story of the Heretic, SkekGra.
Meanwhile, Shobo and V.V. Glass bring us a Yoruba storyteller tale about Ijapa the Tortoise.
Discover a rare moment of introspection from Jareth the Goblin King written and illustrated by Kyla Vanderklugt.
Finally, delight in the tale of a baking + architecture contest amongst the Doozers written by Aabria Iyengar and illustrated by Jared Cullum.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/03/2025
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