(W) Nikuya Inui
Nikuya Inui's suspenseful and erotic new Omegaverse rom-com manga is finally here! Kota is a college student, and an Alpha. Still, he dreads bumping into his neighbor, a super-intimidating hunk with big, black tattoos. He always assumed this mystery man was an Alpha, too, and avoided him like the plague... until, one day, a scent wafts in so powerful it puts even the dull-headed Kota in a daze. It's the scent of Omega pheromones, from next door! He assumes his neighbor's brought an Omega home, but when he tries to leave, what should he find but the source of the pheromones: his hot neighbor! How will he get out of this situation unscathed, and without his neighbor finding out he's a virgin? Complete story in one volume!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 12/03/2025
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