Catálogo Previews HELLSING DLX ED TP VOL 10 (RES) (MR)
(W) Kohta Hirano (A) Kohta Hirano, Kohta Hirano
The final chapter in Kohta Hitano's epicHellsingsaga pushes the boundaries of horror/action manga into new territories of thrills, shocks, and more than a few bloody laughs! The curtain raises on the final act of the apocalyptic war between vampires, Nazis, Catholics, werewolves, Protestants, and mercenaries, and the outcome is still in doubt. Amidst the blood-drenched wreckage of London, the champions of light and darkness face off in a final showdown that will determine the future of humanity... or see humanity's fall!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 23/04/2025
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