
Catálogo Previews HAUNTRESS GN


(W) Minetaro Mochizuki (A) Minetaro Mochizuki (CA) Minetaro Mochizuki

A seminal work of horror from 1993, this classic from the author ofDragonHeadis finally appearing in English for the first time. Hiroshi Mori is an ordinary college student leading an unremarkable life, until one day he hears someone ringing his neighbor's doorbell over and over again. He goes out onto the landing and finds a strange woman in a trenchcoat-whose tenacious attention soon transfers to him. Stalked and harrassed by this monstrous woman, Hiroshi tries to find out the truth about her before she ruins his life completely. Incorporating elements of psychological horror and urban legend, and credited with introducing the idea of stalking to Japan, Mochizuki's early masterpiece remains just as terrifying as it was when it first appeared over 30 years ago.

Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/02/2025

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