Catálogo Previews HAPPY OF THE END GN VOL 03 (RES) (MR)
(W) Ogeretsu Tanaka (A) Ogeretsu Tanaka
Maya threatens the peace that Haoran and Chihiro have together forcing the two lovers repeatedly move. Nevertheless, Maya finally catches Chihiro and abducts him. So when Maya feels uncomfortable with the way Chihiro talks to him, he beats Chihiro until he loses consciousness. Chihiro escapes from Maya's rampage and wakes up in the hospital. After being discharged, the pair once again spend their time together, however, when Haoran notices Chihiro's sudden fear of being touched, he is tormented by feelings of guilt and resentment, and begins to blame himself. Haoran comes to realize that his small but happy life has begun to break down and makes a decision.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/03/2025
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