Catálogo Previews HAPPY ENDINGS GN
(W) Lucie Bryon (A) Lucie Bryon (CA) Lucie Bryon
Once upon a time, there was a cemetery gardener who fell in love with a professional grave mourner, with a look of a ghost. Once upon a time, there was an Art student who asked a young man to pose for her on New Year's Eve. Once upon a time, there were agents from the future sent to our present, to a small seaside town, to fix a temporal cat related paradox. They found themselves enjoying Italian ice cream while watching sunsets and no longer wanted to return to their dimension. And they ended up... who knows where. All beautiful things must come to an end, but if we must choose, let it be beautiful.
In HAPPY ENDINGS, the new hit graphic novel from LUCIE BRYON (THIEVES), all stories are intwined.
And they all end up with a smile.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/03/2025
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