(W) Kenichi Sonoda (A) Kenichi Sonoda
Rally Vincent runs Gunsmith Cats-a gun shop in Illinois with her partner, demolitions expert and former call girl Minnie-May Hopkins. But Rally's "real" job doesn't pay the bills, her hobby does. And her hobby is bounty hunting, bringing the most wanted men and women in the Chicago area to justice-dressed in her sharp suit and tie, and driving her Shelby Cobra GT 500! InGunsmithCatsOmnibusVolume 2, Rally goes downtown to pick up master thief Misty Brown, who's just gotten out of the slammer. But Misty's no safer on the streets... not when it seems she stole some tape recordings that could incriminate a Mafia boss. And especially not when Rally stands in the way of the person trying to get the tapes back-the perverted, ruthless Goldie Musso.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 09/07/2025
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