Catálogo Previews GUNS OF BRIXTON #1 (MR)
(W) Sean Golding (A) Renzo Podesta (CA) Renzo Podesta
An exciting new 5 issue mini-series,Guns of Brixtonis a high-octane comic series following the exploits of South London-based punk rock band Rachael & the Heads of State (RATHOS for short). The band are living the punk mantra of sex, drugs, and rock & roll until a fateful night after a concert in Brixton, when everything changes... Inspired as much by punk legends like Blondie and The Clash as it was by other comic titles,Guns of Brixtonis an action-packed love letter to rock music. Brought to life lovingly by Renzo Podesta's art style and chock full of Easter eggs for punk and metal fans!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 21/05/2025
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