(W) Tom Siddell (A) Tom Siddell (CA) Tom Siddell
Change is hard, especially when you're a student at an enigmatic boarding school like Gunnerkrigg Court... and for Annie Carver, it's never been so sudden. After a shocking revelation about her mother's death sends her into an overwhelming fit of rage, she runs away to the neighboring Gillitie Wood. There, forest god Coyote reveals even more about her parentage that will change the course of her life forever. Kat's research advances by leaps and bounds when she discovers an unexpected method of awakening the Court's oldest robots. While she learns more about the robots' original creator Diego, she must also make a heartbreaking decision in order to move forward. And what exactly is the seed bismuth? This volume features new cover art by Tom Siddell, updated interior art, and includes chapters 23-41 of the beloved sci-fi fantasy webcomic.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 09/04/2025
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