Catálogo Previews GREEN HORNET 66 MEETS SPIRIT TP (JAN181550)
(W) Fred Van Lente (A) Ty Templeton (CA) Mike Allred, Laura Allred
Another challenge for THE GREEN HORNET, his aide KATO, and their rolling arsenal, THE BLACK BEAUTY! On police records a wanted criminal, THE GREEN HORNET is really Britt Reid, owner/publisher of The Daily Sentinel. Reid and Kato have traveled to Central City to participate in the futuristic World's Fair, to get the skinny on the "Newspaper of Tomorrow," a device capable of predicting headlines before events happen! But isn't that a dangerous power for the press to wield... and say, who's that blue-suited skulker in the shadows? COLLECTS ISSUES 1-5.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/02/2025
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