Catálogo Previews GHOST TOWN GN
(W) Eric Colossal (A) Eric Colossal (CA) Eric Colossal
The sleepy seaside town of Crater is falling apart. The buildings are run-down, the streets are full of potholes, and the power is unreliable. However, it's the only home Lily Cole has ever known, and despite her protests, Lily's family will be moving away at the end of the summer. Now, Lily is determined to spend as much time as possible with her friends before she leaves, riding bikes, hanging out, and playing stickball.
When a foul ball leads the kids into an abandoned mansion on the edge of town, the gang is shocked to discover that Crater is haunted by thousands of ghosts, and they've stumbled upon the tools to hunt and trap them! With ghost traps fully charged and bikes at the ready, join Lily and her friends in the spookiest summer of their lives. Funny and full of heart,GhostTownis the perfect read for fans ofSnapdragon,Beetle and the Hollowbones, andThis Is Our Pact.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/03/2025
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