(W) Mikoto Yamaguchi (A) D. P (CA) D. P
Will these girls forever suffer the cruelty of mankind's twisted desire for knowledge and power!? Not if Sasae has any say in the matter! Hinana and Sasae's infiltration into Lyknell, land of magic, is going well-maybe too well! Hinana has made fast friends with Miracaba, the mysterious "daughter" of Ordo Seeka. But that friendship soon lead her to stare into the abyss of evil and discover the cruel purpose for which her friend was born-weaponization of the deadmales! If he is going to save his sister and her new friend, Sasae will once again have to enter a battle of wits, but this time his foe is no barbarian. Rather, he is a brilliant professor and the greatest sorcerer on the entire continent!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 23/04/2025
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