Catálogo Previews FOOL NIGHT GN VOL 04
(W) Kasumi Yasuda (A) Kasumi Yasuda
In a distant future where the sun no longer shines, Toshiro Kamiya gives up his body to a sinister floral metamorphosis for a payday.
The earth of the distant future is covered in thick clouds, and the sun no longer shines. Plants wither, and oxygen is thin. To fight extinction, humankind has developed a technology that turns humans into plants, providing a small amount of oxygen. Is this process sustainable? Is it ethical? Toshiro Kamiya must consider these questions as he's faced with a difficult choice-save his family or save himself.
As Hourai recovers from Ivy's brutal attack, Toshiro investigates the vicious spiriflor's origins. He's led to a place called Paupertown. What will he find in the town's dark and miserable depths?
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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