Catálogo Previews FLIP CITY MAGAZINE VOL 24 (MR)
(W) Scott McKenzie, Sonny Clane, Rj Jenson, Various (A) David MacDowell, Rich Barry, Ross Hendrick, Joe Borelli, Ben Sullivan, Daryll Collins, Nat Rrain, Various
The irreverent comic satire magazine is back, with classic parodies, comics and more by our mob of microdosing maniacs.FlipCitybreaks out our double Ds! It's DeNiro vs. Deniro with ourAltoKnightsparody, plus the return ofTheResistocrats; and our 21st century TV sagaBiker, Mobster, Zombie, Methlord. With Joey B. Toonz; The Regressives; Stoopid Tunes and the world's most based crossword puzzle. Find out why Eisner Award-winner Mike Baron calls it "brilliant satire" and "funnier thanMADandCracked."FlipCitymay be America's last laugh!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 30/04/2025
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