Catálogo Previews DISNEY FAIRIES 4 IN 1 HC VOL 03
(W) Various (A) Antonello Dalena, Sara Stronio, Caterina Giorgetti (CA) The Disney Comics Group
The Fairies from Pixie Hollow are back for for more magical adventures! Join Tinker Bell and the rest of the Fairies in this giant four-in-one collection that features classic stories originally published in the volumes titled Tinker Bell and Her Magical Arrival, Tinker Bell and the Lucky Rainbow, Tinker Bell and the Most Precious Gift, and Tinker Bell and the Lost Treasure. It’s a wonderful time to return to Never Land! Includes writers Augusto Macchetto, Paola Mulazzi, Tea Orsi, Carlo Panaro, Cortney Faye Powell, Jim Salicrup
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 26/03/2025
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