Catálogo Previews DEVIANT TP VOL 02 (MR)
(W) James Tynion IV (A) Joshua Hixson (CA) Joshua Hixson
One of the grimmest chapters in Milwaukee’s history repeats itself as Michael Schmitz is arrested for the copycat Deviant Killer slayings. Only his boyfriend, Derek, is convinced of his innocence. And if Derek is right, that means that the killer responsible for the grisly murders is still on the loose…and is very, very unhappy that Derek is getting closer to unraveling the truth.
Multiple Eisner Award-winning writer JAMES TYNION IV (THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH_, The Nice House on the Lake_) and acclaimed artist JOSHUA HIXSON (The Plot) bring their taboo-shattering horror story to its gut-wrenching conclusion.
Collects THE DEVIANT #5-9
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 14/05/2025
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