Catálogo Previews DEATH MAGE SC NOVEL VOL 06
(W) Densuke (A) Ban ! (CA) Ban !
After becoming King of Talosheim, Vandal successfully defeated the invasion of his city by an Imperial expedition army. The force was led by Goldan and Raily, two of those who killed Vandal's mother Dalshia. In the end, Vandal used his Soul Crusher to destroy their souls. In the aftermath, as his allies work to further improve the nation of Talosheim, Vandal plans a trip to the domain of Duke Heartner in order to register as an adventurer and get his original life plan-to become a noble-back on track. However, one of Vandal's fellow classmates who was reborn onto Origin, where Vandal spent his second life, is reaching the end of his time there...
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 19/03/2025
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