Catálogo Previews DEAD ROCK GN VOL 01
(W) Hiro Mashima (A) Hiro Mashima (CA) Hiro Mashima
What would you risk to rule the world? Dive back into the imagination of bestselling manga creator Hiro Mashima with a new fantasy adventure that pits the aspiring young denizens of Hell against each other in a battle royale to claim the ultimate prize... Earth itself! Welcome to Dead Rock, the underworld's top educational institution! A spot at this training facility for demonic mischief is all the young demon Yakuto has ever wanted, but in Hell, there's no such thing as an easy A. Plenty of Yakuto's fellow prospects won't survive the entrance exam, and even fewer will make it to graduation. So why bother? The prize, for those who survive this death game through perdition, is the world, in the palm of their hand!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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