Catálogo Previews DAY OF THE DEAD GIRL TP VOL 01
(W) AJ Mendez, Aimee Garcia (A) Belen Culebras (CA) Belen Culebras
A.J. Mendez & Aimee Garcia (W) o Belén Culebras (A/CA)
Death is never the end of the story. Coroner Sam Castillo will learn this the hard way, when a supernatural serial killer targets her hometown just as she moves back. A skeptical woman of science, Sam butts heads with her spiritual mother Ana, a leader of a witch coven specializing in Brujeria. But when the coven's Brujas start turning up murdered, Sam and Ana must work together to find the killer and save their town's Day of the Dead festival from turning into an occult bloodbath. As if sharing a bathroom with her mom wasn't hard enough.
The writing team of New York Times bestselling author and retired professional wrestler A.J. Mendez (Crazy Is My Superpower) & writer and actress Aimee Garcia (Dungeons & Dragons: At the Spine of the World) and Spanish artist Belén Culebras take you on the journey of a skeptic coming to grips with her supernatural heritage.
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 30/04/2025
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