Catálogo Previews DARK ROOM HC VOL 02
(W) Gerry Duggan (A) Scott Buoncristiano, Tamra Bonvillain (CA) Scott Buoncristiano, Tamra Bonvillain
GERRY DUGGAN (X-Men, Uncanny Avengers) rejoins your favorite artists SCOTT &** TAMRA **for the anticipated return of your favorite fantasy/horror/comedy series. Dounia, her ex, a werewolf, and her pal Walt—an incandescent blue skeleton—are joined by a mysterious psionicist fresh from a terrible prison. This time, the world is threatened by a powerful old necromancer that’s resurrecting the dead from Finland’s Winter War. More curses, more threats, zombies, wizards, cursed objects, and the threat of the war to finally end mankind. The Dark Room opens for another adventure!
Fecha estimada de lanzamiento: 05/03/2025
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